Empowerment VS Enabling
Are you empowering your loved one, or enabling a self destructive behavior? Many Empaths are highly sensitive, (this is NOT a bad thing.) As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you simply different. Elaine Aron’s Quiz will help you see if you’re a highly sensitive person. There’s also an article on Psychology Today that dives into the […]
A message from our founder
A Bit About My Manifested Life https://youtu.be/7WGHyMvDeTM My Manifested Life was born from a prompting Mike had to provide a space for people who are seeking wellness. Wellness of mind, body, and spirit. A place for people who are dedicated to growth and to becoming the best version of themselves. People who desire a deeper […]
Movie Recommendation July 10th
Our First Movie Recommendation – Sensitive SENSITIVE – The Untold Story The Empath Course had been completely recorded and finished, but then we watched this movie… We had to reshoot the course to include suggestion after suggestion to consume all of Elaine’s amazing work. This is not just one of those movies you can’t just […]
Member Spotlight
TRANSFORMATIONAL TRIBUTE Amanda Rivera-The Struggle is Optional Amanda is a single mother of three amazing daughters. She has made an amazing transformation from being in a relationship with a narcissist to embark on a journey of healing and self empowerment. Because of Amanda’s transformation, she has plans to become a life coach and help others […]
Rev. Tiffany Barsotti
MEET THE EXPERTS: Tiffany Barsotti We’d like to introduce Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, M.Th., C.Ht. to our beloved tribe. Tiffany is an internationally renowned medical intuitive, spiritual healer, and a clinician and researcher of subtle energy, biofield therapies, and energy psychology. She will be joining us in the near future to bring you more training that […]