The Top 5 Spiritual Traps Set by "Guru" & Growth Seekers

Spread Love, Share Your Comments Of Love Below πŸ™‚

185 Responses

  1. I agree with all you have said here. I have walked away from a career that has been killing my spiritually. The ego that came with it was the hardest part. But there are deeper and darker part of what’s transcending right now with me. Thanks for the emails.

    1. thank you so much Jim! I know the feeling. I was at the top of my industry and had to just walk away from the limelight, it was just too much to allow my growth and faith to foster. So glad you are with us Jim πŸ™‚ – Mike

      1. You hit it right on the head so to speak. On our path to knowing our higher self we do have to come from a place of complete unconditional love and forgiveness for ourselves and others. Like you said we have all been there and some of us see those things and realize that not everyone is at the same frequency energetically that we have evolved to, so yes we have to have compassion and understanding. Thank you for your beautiful advice. Many blessings, love and light to you soul brother.

        1. Thank you Angela πŸ™‚ You’re right of course. We also have to remember that there are others who feel the same about us. Someone else will always be further in the journey and we must remember that we, like all, are perfect right where we are, no matter where we are πŸ™‚

      2. Wow. What a cool guy you are. I want to hang out with you and be your friend lol. I loved that vid and everything that you said in it. You made my soul happy watching this vid.
        Huge amounts of love and light to you ???

        1. awe! so cool πŸ™‚ we call that BBQ buddies πŸ™‚ the ones you would invite over and chill with. I know that for most of us, thats a SMALL list, so Im super humbled. thanks so much Charlene! Much love – Mike

  2. Thank you so much for your support and words. I’ve been having trouble sleeping because of the things running through my mind, the same things you just spoke about. Your words were just what I needed to hear, thank you again and many blessings

    1. awe thank you so much Kelly! I’m grateful beyond words for your comment today. Thank you so much πŸ™‚ – Mike

  3. True words said. I agree with you. But for HSP they feel others feeling as their. So their negative thoughts as affect….

    1. yes, this can be true. if you have not yet done the workbook, I highly recommend the HSP workbook and to spend some time in that. It has helped many of our empaths to find less pain in the world through conscious awareness πŸ™‚ Appreciate your comment and send you love – Mike

  4. I enjoyed you honesty and advise. I have been working on myself since leaving a very toxic relationship a few months ago. I have learned so many things. I was already aware of the things you said and yes I fell into the #5, spending money that I really couldn’t afford to spend only to find out they weren’t telling me anything I didn’t already know. Then I turned to you tube and found some guidance there. It was a slow process and watched many, many videos and weeded out what I felt was the bad and kept the good. In the last five months I have learned to forgive everything from the time I was eight years old to today. Cried more tears than I care to admit but it was so worth the journey. For the first time in my life I have a peace that I can enjoy. My only wish is that I could of found this when I was twenty-four not sixty-four. I hope people listen to what you have to say because it is true. You have to do the inner work first before you can make any progress, at least that’s what I found anyway. Thank you so much for your video. I love you too.

    1. So happy to hear that you are taking care of YOU now! Congrats on setting your boundary and living for yourself so you can serve you and the world better πŸ™‚ Also, LOVE the release and crying, it’s so important to release that. I like to think of tears as the the inner toxins being released for good. While you can do it in other ways, the tears sure speed up the process. Im 50 myself now and looking back, for me, if someone had brought all this understanding to me when i was even 40, i would not have been ready to hear or to integrate it all into my existence, so just know, all timing is perfect πŸ™‚ much love – Mike

    2. Hi..your story is alot Like mine I never woke up until I was 65 and let me tell you about that pain in that grief I went through the dark night of the soul last year I could have never a magined in a million years that I could ever feel that depressed lonely scared lost suicidal I have watched a lot of YouTube also I’ve taken a lot of classes I have definitely been doing the work for the last 15 months and I appreciated covid and the Winter in Michigan because I went into hermit stage I now feel more peace than ever in my life and i enjoy my alone time. my anxiety has diminished tremendously and for the 1st time in 10 years I can sleep without meds I still have a lot to learn but I have the rest of my life to do that I just discovered last year that my husband is a narcissist he is 69 years old and has cancer and you want to talk about having to use my powers to stay grounded. I also am HS empath. Well I have a lot to learn in this life of the lessons so I hope not to never have to come back here and suffer another life like I have for the last 65 years. Well anyways that’s my little tid bit of a story I thought you might appreciate it you can feel free to message me or reply if you want to talk further
      Love to you
      Have a funtastic life

      1. Pam, I really appreciate your words and experience. The solitude we all experienced brought out many things for most of us. For some it was good, for others, they currently see it as bad. I can tell you that for me, if it had not happened, I would not be doing this work Im doing now to share these insane experiences from the last 25 or so years. So for that I am grateful. I can only imagine how tough it must have been for you in your relationship, but also how revealing. In all “suffering” there is a lesson and a gift. I hope yours became clear and I send you love πŸ™‚ – Mike

      2. Wow, good for you ! Yes, u do have the Rest of Yr life to learn. And learning continues ( on the Other side). Yes, I fully believe in the Afterlife, as I had a big, LUMINOUS experience that convinced me {during Covid, I learned so much — just as U, and so I’m grateful for this ‘time-out’ ).
        It is amazing what one can discover by Going quiet (doing Meditation & Prayer & reflecting on things ). I am more At Peace, too. I am a HSP – so I feel things fairly deeply; and I also have Intuitions that are STRONG ! [and They are Right, too ]
        It can be rewarding to be Empathic [you do have to pick yr Battles, tho ]

        Stay well and happy

    1. I can only pray to keep doing the work as long as Im allowed πŸ™‚ thank you so much John – Mike

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this with me it has really taught me a lot about what I have already given up was really for no reason no way I could ever get what I’ve lost back thank God bless you and always be with you my friend.

    1. thank you Melissa πŸ™‚ appreciate your kind words. All that was lost, was lost for a reason, I am personally experiencing much loss right now, but I know that God has a plan for why this is happening and I have faith in that plan, no matter what my ego may want πŸ˜‰ Much love – Mike

  6. In for a beautiful year with it challenges and freedom also walked away from a job I had in eight also had some effect on my health couldn’t do any more .also challenges with my finances since I left in 19th March also going through some sort of awakening and transition it’s so intense I haven’t experience at this level before I still don’t Know everything about what I need to do I know I am going through a very difficult time .Gerda

    1. here is SO MUCH happening right now Gerda, you are SO not alone πŸ™‚ were here with you in this one. This is the time for us to answer the call, accept the truth and surrender our own desires to just being pure love. If it helps at all, the best thing we can do is to simultaneously surrender and to take action. Action towards the promptings that show up as synchronicity πŸ™‚ we have to let it be our guide. much love Gerda – Mike

  7. Thank you Mike for this video. I now see that I fell into universes perfect timing. As you spoke I took inventory of myself concerning the 5 mistakes and yes I have done some of those mistakes. The big mistake I made was ,and I say this with compassion for myself and others , that what I had learned I wanted so desperately to give to others to help them gain peace and acceptance for who they were . They were not ready as I tried to push on them what I had learned. This pushed them away. Now I give space to them to live and heal in their own time. I send out my love and compassion to them on their journeys in universes time frame. My journey started when I was brought to my knees with the death of my husband.

    1. Isabel, I had this same thing happen for me… “I wanted so desperately to give to others to help them gain peace and acceptance for who they were”.. I wanted to badly to just show them a new path that would be and could be pain-free, but I had to surrender to each family member and friend being able to experience their own journey as they saw fit πŸ™‚ I experienced the “pushing away” too, then surrendered to be happy for their own fate, no matter what it looked like. Im sorry to hear about your husband and glad for your growth. Grateful for you being with us – Mike

  8. Thank you so much for this. I connect with everything you said. It feels really hard to hold onto all of that and think positively. I used to be so good at it and now after two kids back to back I feel like I can’t grasp onto anything positive. I know it’s all temporary but right now in this moment it feels like life or death. I’ll hang onto this message and keep replaying it.

    1. it can be so difficult for sure Becky. Know that all things will pass in time. Your kids definitely will learn from your inspiring attitude and focus on the silver lining πŸ™‚ much love – Mike

  9. Thank you so much for your honesty, candor and genuine interest in our well being, as well as taking the time to share your personal truth.I found the video to be especially helpful in my quest to improve my spiritual life, and to spread as much Joy and love as possible! Thank you again! ??Namaste!

    1. Thank you so much Dawn, so much more coming from myself and the rest of the team. We appreciate your being with us so much! – Mike

  10. Father sent you with this message. I receive it and I thank you for your willingness to teach

    1. all we do is for the greatest good. Love having you on this journey and thank you again for your wonderful testimony! you are amazing! – Mike

  11. Thank you for being you, and sharing your wisdom and experiences with us. We get to a place in the process that we feel we NEED to share our newfound revelations with everyone to “make them better” when all we need to do is just follow your example and be present for those who reach out to us. I hope knowing the peace and love you show us that uplifts and guides us brings you peace as well. All the love you send out will surely return to you tenfold and help heal your heart. May God bless you and His Angels continue to watch over you and give you strength to continue to share your love with us.

    1. awe! thanks so much Carol. I am grateful for your prayers and send you blessings πŸ™‚ I will continue to do more like this for us so that all can know and remember that we are perfect right where we are. Sometimes it takes seeing someone else who is happy to be right where they are to accept that it’s OK for us to be too. And to know that the journey really does look the same for many of us πŸ™‚ All my love – Mike

  12. Wow… I don’t know how or when I even signed up to receive emails from you, but I received an email today about the top 5 traps in spirituality… it intrigued me, so I came to listen. I love how relatable you are, how I feel like I’ve known you for a while already. I love how you accept everything… I heard references of God and The Tao… I’m thoroughly impressed because I feel like I’m in the gray, until now. I have a coach right now who practices The Tao and I believe but I still believe in God also and I thought I had to choose between the two, but listening to you makes it seem possible to just be. It’s no right or wrong, just believe what I believe, love everybody for who and where they are, and restore integrity in the world for the betterment of all beings. Thank you so much for being you and showing me it’s ok to be me. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

    1. The more I studied all belief systems, the more I witnessed the imprint of God in every one of them. From the most popular to the least popular, the same echo emerged… There is a force that transcends all. You are in the drivers seat LaTwanda πŸ™‚ No one gets to dictate your relationship with that universal and only source. Im so glad you are with us πŸ™‚ – Mike

  13. I dis the last one was judging especially my twin. Bt u are right God has given me the gift of unconditional love to people so I need to practice it more

    1. We all do that Kim, it’s a part of our growth for all involved. Forgiving ourselves first and making new decisions is all we can do πŸ™‚ You got this! – Mike

  14. Ok lets try this again. Thank you for taking the time to explain these 5 traps. I would love to learn more from you about things that someone like me tends to get lost i would say. I would love to continue to learn from you as I see it is a growth for me. Again thank you

    1. We would be happy to have you stay as little or as long as you want Nancy. It’s my deepest hope that we are simply a road sign on your journey, but that we can guide you to the next sign and the next through compassion and clear suggestions that resonate for you πŸ™‚ All our love – Mike

  15. Thanks for this message. I have been moved to buy crystals for a little extra support, however, I did question my decision. I have been feeling a little lost. I felt like God’s still small voice was urging me to meditate, focus and ground myself and my heart was being led toward the crystals. Your message was confirmation when you talked about your necklace. A reminder that crystals are natural beauties and are another conduit and gift of God’s love.

    1. Yes Lisa, if you feel the calling to it and you feel it will help you on your journey, beauty is a wonder and can be a great aid. Wish you blessings and focus Lisa – Mike

  16. Thank you Mike for this video. I greatly appreciate your experiences and doing it in a humble sense. I especially appreciate the ‘ judgement trap” that one is definitely a quick sand of misery. Be well my brother as you continue your journey.

    1. thanks Sharon, that one still sticks to the bottom of my shoes. Thankfully I’m not wrapped as deeply in it as I once was, but I accept that its part of the journey and forgive myself for still experiencing it, when I do πŸ™‚ much love Sharon – Mike

  17. Love this Mike. Thank you for sharing. I just finished going through number one. Humbling is the word that comes to mind for me. Can’t wait to find out what is yet to come.

    1. thanks Woogena πŸ™‚ appreciate your being with the tribe and sending you love πŸ™‚ – Mike

  18. Dude Brilliant! I help my clients with this all the time and thank you from the bottom of my heart for the validation and help! I point out that when we are born you’re nothing but unconditional love and light. Some loose that from life experiences and staying in the Anger, fear, worry, etc vibration! May your day and life be filled with miracles and magic!! I love you too! THANK YOU ?

    1. thank you so much Diana πŸ™‚ together we can shift the world by shifting ourselves πŸ™‚ Much love – Mike

  19. What a beautiful human being! I love your energy and courage. This is something I definitely needed to see. Keep on. ✌?❀️‍?

    1. thank you Annie, really appreciate your being with us and Im personally grateful for your love πŸ™‚

  20. Thanks Mike
    You are amazing. It’s great help when we meet people who have conquered their weaknesses and when they are brave enough and humble enough to set an example for others by sharing what they did to improve themselves, and whuch weaknesses they got rid of, it’s great inspiration.

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Ria πŸ™‚ I really appreciate your comment. It’s great to share and I look forward to hearing more of yours. The greatest strength is seeing what some call a weakness and accepting it or simply shifting away from that pattern πŸ™‚ so much love – Mike

  21. I so enjoyed this! You are so right especially about the judgement part…several years ago maybe 20.. I read a series entitled Conversations with God. After reading it validated for me that I wasn’t crazy…but the mistake I made was now that I had “got it” I was trying to make everyone else”get it”. It took about 2 years after to train my being NOT to be judgemental because everyone is not on the same energy vibe or level … doesn’t make me better than the next …just more aware of the next because WE are ONE! and so however or whatever I feel about others or do…. I do that very same to myself… Worldly word we call it karma but Godly word is the principle of sowing and reaping… Thanks for this a d love you and God richly bless your life?

    1. Oh boy! I have been dying to talk about that series. I went through all of his materials a number of years back and was blown away by his style and voice. What a soothing man. Yes! The sewing, reaping & karma is what we are all about here πŸ™‚ pointing out that which has been sewn so that new choices may be selected if so desired πŸ™‚ Much love Yolanda! – Mike

  22. What happens when you had if not all most of these wonderful attributes and now they are gone….replaced with the exact opposite of each one….and I didn’t even realize what a gift it truly was to have
    positivity with no effort at all , it came naturally, but silly me wanted to be like everyone else so bad! I’m 45 and hated being so sensitive and awkward . I didn’t care about what most talked about so I always had hard times having just simple conversations .This was always a big problem in my life . But you know what?
    People actually listened and took note when I did talk , I think….maybe not, this last yr and a half has taught me that everything i thought i knew is not! I have lost total faith in humanity and i feel the pull toward this, that this is my calling. I see all the signs that are being given to me but I’m stuck doing absolutely nothing cause I’m tired my will is gone. 3 family members have already spat at me “who do you think you are ? Do you think that YOU can change any of this” . I know they don’t understand the ripple one can make with just a word to another then that one to another and so on . I know i could do even more than that.. I believe anyone can do anything they put their mind to. My motto is WHERE THERE’S A WILL THEIR WILL ALWAYS BE A WAY.. I have proven this to myself too many times to think differently. Even if your will leads you to a bad outcome like wanting so bad to be like everyone else so I studied and observed as much as I could so I can be same as everyone else.
    Well congrats to me! I achieved what I have always wanted ?. Now I ramble on about nothing , people don’t take me seriously anymore , that is if they ever did,
    I can’t even trust my self .I hate what I have become. I hate the people I loved the most and would , did and stupid me prolly still would do absolutely anything for their physical or emotional well being. I want to hurt them (emotionally) so bad because they have hurt me to the core and I CANT GET OVER IT!

    1. Hey Holly πŸ™‚ Ill comment in line “I’m 45 and hated being so sensitive and awkward ” you are SO not alone in this πŸ™‚ many with us, including myself, wished the same. “I didn’t care about what most talked about so I always had hard times having just simple conversations” YES, thats a part of the journey too. “this last yr and a half has taught me that everything i thought i knew is not” BEAUTIFUL! Me too πŸ™‚ As for the family not understanding you, please, send them love and thanks. Many are not able to accept that one person can make a difference, if they did, they they would have to DO SOMETHING. So we accept them for who they are, where they are, and we press on! Love the “will theres a way”,, hear the lord of the rings cartoon trolls in my head. “Now I ramble on about nothing , people don’t take me seriously anymore , that is if they ever did,” this is negative self talk, and I know that you know better πŸ™‚ no more of this ok?? Also, to feel anything but love for another is simply our desire for THEM to be different. For our ego to say “you should be more like me”, or “i want you to be this way instead”. When you surrender the need for others to be like you, then we can truly celebrate all for where they truly are. Two things I would suggest for you ASAP. 1. get a solid counselor. No matter who we are, a properly trained HSP counselor or therapist can move mountains! Go to elaine’s list here. then #2. go do the 7 essene mirrors exercise after you have secured a counselor and discuss the outcome of that meeting with them. (this is the short version). You CAN get over it and you can do anything! You got this.

  23. Thank you mike for your wisdom I agree with all your information yes we do need to be more careful and have discernment and take it slow and not to be to quick to judge people and yes love and acceptance is very important thank you for all your great advice Many blessings Gerda

  24. Loved listening/watching this. You seem so genuine and transparent. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to purchase but after watching this, laughing with you and appreciating your honesty, I paused the video and bought the training. Thx so much for the help.

    1. awe! thanks so much Erin. πŸ™‚ no matter what you are always protected by our unconditional guarantee, so we got your back no matter what. So glad to have you with us πŸ™‚ – Mike

  25. Hi
    Interesting interpretation..
    There are no mistakes in life only experiences.. a whole conversation in its self.. and I’m not here to express or seem defensive or pedantic..
    We are all of us humans sharing the same planet, breathing the same air, however individually (our uniqueness) and collectively (our cultures/foundations ) can be so vastly different on so many levels.. that some of us seem like we are not the same species at all.. Through in Spiritual connection and vibrational energy and your from another galaxy… Self awareness and development of (Mind,Body,Soul) is an individual journey and he who seeks knowledge will find it..we are students of life and our life represents what we have learned…

    1. OMG I love you πŸ™‚ we could have a lot of fun talks on the Perceiver, the Perceived and consciousness in general. As I’m sure you have experienced by your statements, that there are all kinds in this world. In our trainings we teach how to see/perceive from new vantage points and how to shape our own consciousness. But again, this is as you say, an individual “choose your own adventure” journey (sorda, but another dualistic rabbit hole there too)… and when we attempt to talk to so many who are at various stages of their own personal growth journey, it’s good to find some common language based on where they are. So here, we talk to those who are starting that journey and hopefully we do a good job of guiding as best we can πŸ™‚ much love for you Vanessa – Mike

  26. Wow . this is interesting and I would like to hear and see more of that. I think you are doing a good work in helping others.
    May the universe bless you for helping others.

  27. Oh wow, thanks for this video. The last point resonated a lot. Like… having peace, understanding and compassion towards friends that are living in space where I am not anymore and worked hard to be free from it…. it’s hard, because it’s like I feel their pain, their sadness, their fear “of not being enough”, of “being rejected”, of “I NEED the validation/presence of this other person otherwise I feel like I won’t be able to breath” and I wish I could just “snap them out of it” for them but I know that’s not how it works, I know its their own journey, their own rythme but yes holding space for them… sometimes I have a hard time with that.

    1. I spent YEARS here Misha. It was only through some serious trial by fire that I learned that just because I pulled out thinking I had to “save everyone”. They call it the “drama triangle” (which is a term I don’t like because its more a circle), but we bounce from hero, to victim to perpetrator. As long as we keep feeling the NEED to save them, then it’s still inner healing that is needed. My big piece was loving my mom, but realizing she has her own path and I can’t save her or anyone unless they ask and want it. And even then, they will only go so far usually. So glad to have you with us πŸ™‚ – Mike

  28. I was absolutely at peace while watching the video and I felt a lump in my throat several times at the pure knowing that I was and will be infinitely in love with the Universe and all of its making ups and goings on. I felt so able to identify with and be soul deep grateful for my life because the words felt so natural. I have so many words racing each other to be the first to describe the incredible power of forgiving myself for all of my previously perceived transgressions and step into the gift of being mindful of… Wow. .. yah … I’m out of words.

    1. wow! so well said!!! thanks so much for your eloquence and for stepping into forgiveness and love – Mike

  29. This video is just what I needed today, thank you! I struggled much of my life sorting out my past and how that affects me in the now. Finally in the last several years I have been able to make sense of some things. An abusive father and passive aggressive mother. I finally (through your Empath course and other discoveries) have owned my anger, pain and grief. I’m finding so much of what this video says has been instrumental. I’m learning to love both of the parts within. The female who I have kept hidden even from myself (where my empathy and spirit resides) and the male who has drive and strength I’d feared because I thought I would be my father’s kind of man. I have forgiven and blessed those who inflicted their own wounds on me. I am love and I appreciate and thank you for your guidance and compassion. Blessed be.

    1. I LOVE this Jim!! we are so blessed by your presence and I hope to hear more from you about your journey πŸ™‚ All my love brother – Mike P.S. totally wanna know more about the goats too πŸ™‚

  30. Thank you so much for your top 5 spiritual traps video. I’ve been on my spiritual journey for years now, but the past year I’ve been more immersed in it. I’ve watched many free videos, then progressed to purchasing courses. Finding time to work through them is a challenge. I figure going at my own pace is best. It’s important to remember living in the β€œnow” is what’s most valuable. ??

    1. 1000% for the live win Yvette! πŸ™‚ you are clearly doing a great job and Im honored that you are with us πŸ™‚ – Mike

  31. I’m so greatful to have listened to your confirmation to my own 11year journey of being myself an trying my damnedest to be HONEST to myself an to not take at other peoples expense….with making no promises just to try my damnedest…
    I’d like to thank you sincerely from my Heart an my soul for sharing your wisdom an knowing….Much LOVE.

    1. awe!!! thank you so much! I accept and appreciate you amazingly kind words. they do mean a lot to me πŸ™‚ – Mike

  32. i agree with the statement Time is not replaceable, it probably is the only thing life offers that is not replaceable. i have a picture that i drawn with a self written quote about it.
    I have given to many people my power and control over it and me. i still have yet learned how to not let it happen even after knowing better.
    But loving everyone and being happy over it can cause unintended consiquence, which i have also puplished a short poem/quote on over my personal facebook page.
    forgiving myself is the one i havent yet been anle to do to the fullest that i know im cabable of doing.

    1. Morning Kimberly πŸ™‚

      You are right, time is the only thing in life that is not replaceable, and is our most valuable currency. πŸ™‚ You said “i still have yet learned how to not let it happen even after knowing better.” We have found that repeating patterns happen when we are unwilling to let go. What we need to let go of is up to each of us to find out. That letting go is the only way we can become truly free. As you said “loving everyone and being happy over it can cause unintended consequence”… this is true for sure in life for many. When we love someone, but we expect them to be different, want them to be different, or ignore who they are, great pain can come from this. When we love our children, we don’t say “i will love you until you hurt me, then I will throw you out” (or at least lets hope no parent does that). We love them when they hurt us, when they love us, when they lash out in anger, and hopefully always. I have spent my life realizing and practicing this mantra. To love all the same way we love the children of the earth. This is because most of us can see a child playing, even when it’s not our own child, and we can appreciate and send love to that child. But if some see a group of teens on skateboards, smoking at a park, they move from love to judgement. I mention all this because the way I have found to heal myself is to remember that EVERY human is simply a child in an adult body. Scared, afraid, seeking love, seeking validation, seeking communion with a tribe, all of it. How can I ever feel anything but love for another hurting soul, even if they try to hurt me? This is my current practice of anchoring this even more. So… you are not alone, and for me, the path is about knowing the journey never ends… it only reveals more layers of surrender to love and to know we are safe πŸ™‚ – Mike

  33. Thank you for the speech. You hit on the dot!!! Yes we do need to love one another because life is to short to been caught up with ungodly ways. I’m going through a war path in my life and having God guide through this tough journey and helping me with my faith.

  34. Awesome ,thank you for the video,keep up the great work .
    We are one there’s ,one unchangeable power ,that’s devine love , William Shakespeare’s wrote in sonnett 116″ love is an ever fixed mark that is never shaken ”
    Be loving to one’s self first,spread love ,be in love with creation ,change starts within .

  35. I want to thank you for this video! I have no right to judge no one from who I was!
    I just want to be happy and live my life in peace and happiness! Also thank you for clarifying the money part! I get lots of Emails from β€œ psychics β€œ saying that I will fail if I don’t buy their products! I was falling into that trap! So I appreciate that part! I’m enjoying my journey and loving every part of it!
    Thank you! ?

    1. thank you so much for your candor and honest Cindy. Many of us have fallen pray to those who use fear to get our money, it’s time we choose differently from a new place of understanding and Im super grateful for your openness πŸ™‚ Sending you love – Mike

  36. Hi Mike . First of all it’s great to see all these responses from the people you have helped b4. Mike it doesn’t need these people to convince me of what you have said to me is true. Every one must learn to listen to themselves and if you know yourself then the truth will set you free ✨. Your saying are true ?. Thus far let’s see what tomorrow brings. Thanks Mike

    1. thank you so much Ruth for listening. It is our greatest desire to help remove the layers of doubt that prevent each of us from truly listening to the conversations with God, your higher self, or whatever we choose to call our infinite knowing πŸ™‚ much love – Mike

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