
50% Complete [fn], You Scored: [score] Out Of 32 Possible Score Results:0-13 Pts: Not feeling it huh???14-21 Pts: Medium Empath22-32 Pts: High Empath [fn] so, you scored pretty low. Are you sure you are in the right place? The percentage of people who score this low is so incredibly low that it’s hard to mention. […]


START FEELING POWERFUL! 85% Complete You’re here for a reason… You were born to bring about a huge change [fn]. The fear and chaos of the world must be balanced by light bearers like you [fn]. You’ve felt this coming a while… Long before today, you knew you were different. It’s time […]


START FEELING POWERFUL! 85% Complete You’re here for a reason… You were born to bring about a huge change [fn]. The fear and chaos of the world must be balanced by light bearers like you [fn]. You’ve felt this coming a while… Long before today, you knew you were different. It’s time […]


50% Complete [fn], You Scored: [score] Out Of 32 Possible Score Results: 0-13 Pts: Non Empath 14-21 Pts: Medium Empath 22-32 Pts: High Empath [fn], You possess the gift of empathy. You can even strengthen this talent by practicing with various exercises. Once you strengthen your “empathic muscles” you will be able to constantly see another […]


[fn]’s Challenges… 75% Complete Called, But Reluctant There is a calling that empaths feel. It’s unlike the usual “life purpose” calling that many feel. This calling is a calling to heal. To heal the self and to heal the world. Less concerned with personal needs and personal glory, most empaths find it’s “safer” to ignore […]


[fn]’s Challenges… 75% Complete Called, But Reluctant As children, we learned about heroes, villains, and citizens. People were supposed to fit into one of these three categories. We were told that IF you were VERY special, you could be a hero, but only a select few could play that role. If you were very bad, […]


[fn]’s Relationships… 65% Complete With a “Grounder”? Relating to the world is always a challenge for a High Empath. Because our emotional “receptors” are wide open, we often question our own feelings and sometimes, our own sanity. Feeling the constant barrage of lies we tell each other as a society can make Empaths wonder if […]


[fn]’s Result… 50% , You Scored: [score] Out Of 32 Possible Score Results: 0-13 Pts: Non Empath 14-21 Pts: Medium Empath 22-32 Pts: High Empath , you are truly connected to the world and all the living things in it. This connection can be very confusing and even frustrating for you. Because you can see […]


START FEELING POWERFUL! 85% Complete You’re here for a reason… You were born to bring about a huge change [fn]. The fear and chaos of the world must be balanced by light bearers like you [fn]. You’ve felt this coming a while… Long before today, you knew you were different. It’s time […]


START FEELING POWERFUL! 85% Complete You’re here for a reason… You were born to bring about a huge change [fn]. The fear and chaos of the world must be balanced by light bearers like you [fn]. You’ve felt this coming a while… Long before today, you knew you were different. It’s time […]