A Manifested Life Project: Dedicated to Your Spiritual Journey

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Sensual Creativity

A Reconnection to the Divine Feminine & the Power of Manifesting from Pleasure.

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In this Free 60 minute webinar, Mike Hill and Susana Cortes will be introducing Susana’s strategies for awakening creativity through sensuality. At the end, some will be invited to her new 8-week live program, participation is not required and all are welcome to attend :slightly_smiling_face:


  • Unblocking the energy that might be preventing you from full expression and pleasure
  • Activations of the Goddess Within
  • Awakening the CREATRIX: Opening the portal of creation, vital energy and sacred sexuality
  • The power of sound, voice expression frequency and vibration
  • Body Expression: Remembering your creative power through your body, Integrating sound, movement and vibration
  • How to enter into a sacred space that honors your deepest soul’s desires
  • Creative Arts: Allow energy to be expressed through the pleasure of creation

This event is open to all!

About The Speakers

Susana Cortes Botero

My passion became my purpose, and my purpose became my lifestyle when I started embracing my natural abilities, in other words, when I began embodying who I really was.

For years I have been studying and learning the path of the healer and now the time has come to share my medicine. my journey is a compilation of all the knowledge I have acquired throughout my own personal development process. Knowledge of different ancestral traditions, psychology, archetypical work, energy healing practices, sacred plants and teachers who have shared their knowledge with me. Nature is wise and if we manage to communicate with her in an active way we can discover all her secrets. So for this very reason, I have decided to share from my vision the path of the medicine woman.  This is the perfect time to share ancient knowledge in a way that is easy to understand for the new generations that are awakening all their innate gifts.  I guide people into creating a new way of living based on their natural abilities and take them through an in-depth exploration to find their inner essence and how to reflect it to the world.  I’ve integrated my background, my entrepreneurial experiences, and personal development tools to create a journey of self-discovery, alignment, magic and self-realization for my clients.   

I now fully understand by sharing my natural gifts, the universe has created a particular way of bringing my true purpose and helping me realize the real beauty of being able to serve others.

Mike Hill

What happens when you spend 30 years seeing the patterns and not the events that happen around you?

If you are willing to surrender, you end up in collaborative creation with the universe. And in a phrase, this is Mike Hill. A collaborative creator. This doesn’t mean a release of drive or desire and a need to surrender the material world as most would try to convince you.

Mike’s studies into the depths of “self” have spanned over 30 years and include the practical application of principles related to Jungian & Freudian Psychology, Deprogramming False Belief Systems, Quantum Physics, The Law of Attraction, Biofield Sciences, Coherence, Awakening, The Kabal, Esoteric Systems, Alchemy, Human Design, The Heart Math Institute, Bio-well Measurement Devices, and much much more.

But studies alone are not enough, Mike reveals how he applies learnings into daily life, and how you can too.

Relationships, Career, Health, Ambition, Desire and more are all able to be “refined or defined” as we remove the incorrect programming and replace it with the truth of our design. A truth that most will never know in their lifetime, but a truth that you will discover in working with Mike.

Mike is the founder of Consciousness Events, My Manifested Life, and Conscious Marketing Academy. Properties that bring only the best of the last 30 years discoveries to those ready to integrate and live a life of co-creation.


A magical nocturnal journey of self-discovery, thanks to the tools and the knowledge that Susana offered us, All in the presence of archetypes, grandmothers, spirit animals and plants. She guided us in an infinite exploration of the elements and their essence. Very grateful ^_^

The course was a very enriching space for me, not only for the content but for the way Su taught it. It was very exciting to be learning something new every week, and gaining more and more tools to connect with intuition. Thank you Su for opening this beautiful space and for sharing your magical knowledge :rainbow::sparkles:.

Thank you so much for being here. You have saved me and have helped me to figure out my life path. Thank you to all my empath brothers and sisters. Together we can change the world. Love, light and hope to you all.

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