Welcome To My Manifested Life!


We’re very excited to have you with us on this amazing journey!

Here’s What To Do Next:

1. Watch the Welcome Video to meet Mike Hill, the creator of My Manifested Life, and Lois, our community support manager.

2. Click Here To Join “The Official Empath Network” Facebook Group.
This powerful group is included free because of your purchase 🙂
There’s over a dozen more videos in there for you and more added weekly (in the units section). You’ll need to put your receipt number in when you request to join:

Your purchase receipt is:

3. Please check your email for a message with the subject line “My Manifested Life – First Step – Set Your Password”. This email will have instructions on how to set your password so you can log into our members area and get started with your course!

4. You will also receive an invoice email from “Digistore24”, which is our merchant system, with additional details from your order.

If you have any questions about getting logged in, please email: support@mymanifestedlife.com